Organizations Harness Benefits of Digital Trust Through New ISACA Framework

Organizations Harness Benefits of Digital Trust Through New ISACA Framework
Author: ISACA
发表日期: 2024年3月5日

数字信任生态系统框架 and new portfolio of resources provide enterprises with the tools to grow trustworthiness and 声誉, 提高的影响

美国伊利诺斯州绍姆堡根据即将到来的ISACA研究, more than half of organizations (55 percent) believe it is extremely/very important for an organization to have a digital trust framework. 为了满足这种需求, global IS/IT association ISACA has launched a new framework designed to help organizations focus on trust holistically by leveraging technology securely, 增加合作, 减少对不可预见事件的反应时间, focusing on brand management and improving financial performance through enhanced trust.

The 数字信任生态系统框架 (DTEF) and portfolio of resources helps organizations understand the 实践 they can undertake to impact their trustworthiness and 声誉 by addressing the key components of digital trust: integrity, security, privacy, 弹性, quality, 可靠性和信心.

根据ISACA即将发布的 数字信任研究现状, the benefits of high levels of digital trust include enhancing positive 声誉 (71 percent), having more reliable data for decision-making (60 percent), and experiencing fewer privacy breaches (60 percent) and fewer cybersecurity incidents (59 percent), 更强的客户忠诚度(56%). 数字的信任, defined as confidence in the integrity of the relationships, interactions and transactions within an associated digital ecosystem, 还能加强组织的底线吗.

“High levels of digital trust ultimately improve financial performance by lowering the risk of impact of data and cyber breaches and associated regulatory fines,香农·多纳休说, ISACA首席内容和出版官. “Organizations can also see greater gains from responsible digital investments, and the 数字信任生态系统框架 helps with both of these.”

Following an earlier beta release that enabled ISACA to include expert input from around the globe into the final version, the newly released 数字信任生态系统框架 focuses on the elements of people, process, 技术与组织, 深入到文化领域, 人为因素, 出现, 启用和支持, 指导和监督, and architecture to provide organizations with trust factors, 实践, activities and outcomes as part of their digital trust journey. The framework is designed to be compatible with many existing frameworks and best 实践, 包括COBIT, ITIL, GDPR, 以及众多的ISO和NIST标准.

“Strengthening digital trust is not just a one-time exercise, but a continuous practice of proactive relationship building between enterprises and stakeholders that is both responsible and profitable while also addressing underlying ethical questions,罗尔夫·冯·罗辛说, member of the ISACA Digital Trust Working Group and lead developer of the framework, 也是FORFA咨询公司的合伙人兼首席执行官. “Having a framework to guide organizations as they integrate trustworthiness into their technology and business operations ensures that they are covering all ground, 最小化风险,最大化影响.” 

“In a tech and business landscape that is transforming more quickly than ever, digital trust is a key differentiator in advancing 弹性, 声誉, 并最终, 组织成功,Erik Prusch说, ISACA首席执行官. “Implementing digital trust 实践 must be intentional, and ISACA is equipping enterprises with transformational tools to build trust with their stakeholders and see positive impact.”

ISACA is also publishing an interactive guide to help organizations effectively use the framework in a format that is innovative and new to the organization. The DTEF Interactive Guide allows users to explore the content of the framework with 3D modeling, 用例, 以及视觉体验. A DTEF 实现 Guide and the Introduction to the 数字信任生态系统框架 Short Course are also available. ISACA also has issued the Digital Trust Board Briefing, 澳门赌场官方软件可独家使用60天, 随后将进行更广泛的公开发布.

今年晚些时候, ISACA will also be releasing the 数字信任生态系统框架 Foundation Course and 数字信任生态系统框架 Foundation Certificate.

To access the 数字信任生态系统框架 and resources, visit 另外, read more about the five ways that the framework can be a difference-maker for organizations in 这个图表.


ISACA® ( is a global community advancing individuals and organizations in their pursuit of digital trust. 50多年了, ISACA has equipped individuals and enterprises with the knowledge, 凭证, 教育, 培训和澳门赌场官方下载发展他们的事业, 改变他们的组织, and build a more trusted and ethical digital world. ISACA is a global professional association and learning organization that leverages the expertise of its 170,000 members who work in digital trust fields such as information security, 治理, 保证, risk, 隐私和质量. It has a presence in 188 countries, including 225 chapters worldwide. 通过其基金会One In Tech, ISACA supports IT 教育 and career pathways for underresourced and underrepresented populations.


